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First-ever Champion Bob Millar with His Mother Doti After Winning His Third Consecutive Cup, 1992
Sherry Breshears, First-ever Woman Winner, 1991
1992 Champion Jennifer Last
3-time Champion and Pioneer Sarah Brandon
Olivier Matheson, 1993 and 1994 Champion
They Tricked Us!: Kathleen McGill (left) and Susan Homa tied for first place in 1994
Cup Champ Martin Keyserlingk
1995 Champion Terrilynn Ryan En Route to Victory Kim Temple, Carleton Cup Champ 1998
Kim Temple, Carleton Cup Champ 1998
Sean Smith (middle),1998 and 2001 Champion
2002 Champion Tim Dunthorne
2003 Champions Dave Webb and Jana Stephenson
2005 Champions Chris Murphy and Trina Lambe
Perennial Boys Champion Harvey Evers
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